Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease It is normal for a man’s penis to bend a bit when it is erect. The level of the bend varies from man to man, however, usually, it does not cause any discomfort or obstruction with sexual movement. On the off chance that an exceptionally articulated bend occurs, the condition is called Peyronie’s disease, named after the French surgeon, Peyronie (1678-1747).

A bent penis frequently causes embarrassment and is usually agonizing. Fortunately, the dominant part of cases of Peyronie’s disease is for the most part reparable.

Peyronie’s disease is portrayed by a plaque, or hard irregularity, that forms on the penis. The disease affects up to 6% of men, with shifting degrees of severity. Restorative examinations restrict a calcification of the connective tissue sheets surrounding the spongiest erectile tissue. This calcification makes the tissue plaque shrink and develops a shorter side contrasted with the opposite side of the shaft of the penis.

Peyronie’s disease begins as a limited irritation. As the disease progresses, the torment subsides and afterward, fibrous tissue develops, causing the penis to bend to one side, right, upward, or descending.

In cases in which the deformation prevents agonizing erections and trouble with intercourse, experts guarantee that no strong proof shows that any treatment other than surgery or treatment with a footing penis extension gadget works almost as successfully. The footing normally causes the bent piece of the penis to straighten. This also increases both the length and circumference of the penis.

In the event that your penis is slightly bent, don’t be frightened, everybody’s is to a slight degree. It is to do with the two corpora cavernosa, spongelike parts of the penis, which develop at various rates amid your improvement.

Fortunately, the majority of our penis footing enlargers assist with straightening your penis, whilst also increasing its length and size.

Straightening the penis, makes it promptly look longer, so the advantage is two-overlap!

Peyronie’s Disease Case Study:

At the point when Manhood was at the Johannesburg Sexpo in 2011, a woman came up to us and disclosed to us a story about her husband. She said that he had created Peyronies disease at 42 years old. An expansive hard plaque developed on his penis and caused it to start building up a substantial ebb and flow. He wound up having the plaque cut out in a medicinal method. Shockingly, they remove half of his penis thus despite the fact that the plaque was evacuated, he was a large portion of his underlying length. This was obviously soul-destroying for him and severely affected their sex life.

He at that point started using a penis extender to attempt to get back what he had lost. After about a year, he had figured out how to twofold his penis size and is presently back to his underlying length. His significant other revealed to us that they were ecstatic with the results and praised penis extenders. She recognized Manhood control on the service we were giving and said we were truly helping numerous individuals live better lives.

Peyronie’s Disease


Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a common issue that occurs in many men as they get older. The disease causes a condition that men describe as a bent penis or curved penis.

Experts believe Peyronie’s disease is caused by an abnormal healing process when an injury occurs in a man’s penis. This abnormal healing creates plaque or swelling of the tough covering of the erectile portion of the penis. Usually, the disease starts with swelling, and plaque occurs over time.

Approximately three and a half percent to nine percent of men have Peyronie’s disease, depending on age.*

Some men experience pain with erections, which causes problems with having sex and can result in stress and anxiety.


Common symptoms of PD, which are visible during an erection, include:

  • A curve or bend in the penis,
  • Narrowing of the penis (also referred to as “hour-glassing”),
  • Erectile difficulties or dysfunction, and/or
  • Painful erections or pain during sex.