
Orgasm Next time your girl gives you the excuse that she doesn’t want to have sex with you because she has a headache, you can tell her she’s full of it. An orgasm is an excellent pain reliever and can work as well as over-the-counter medicines or even some pharmaceutical-grade pain relievers. You just have to actually make sure you give her a great orgasm!
An Orgasm Is An Excellent Pain Reliever
Next time your girl gives you the excuse that she doesn’t want to have sex with you because she has a headache, you can tell her she’s full of it. An orgasm is an excellent pain reliever and can work as well as over-the-counter medicines or even some pharmaceutical-grade pain relievers. You just have to actually make sure you give her a great orgasm!
An Orgasm Is An Excellent Pain Reliever
A woman’s genitals are designed to clean themselves – meaning, douching is unnecessary and can actually do more harm than good. After menstruation, it cleans itself out and continues to do so throughout a woman’s monthly cycle. It also will clean itself out after sex! This helps prevent yeast or bacterial infections. However, if more bacteria or yeast are introduced than the body can handle, an overgrowth can occur. This usually can be easily treated with over-the-counter creams or doctor-prescribed antibiotics.
It‘s Not All About The G-Spot
The g-spot gets all the credit for giving women amazing orgasms, but there is another spot – called the A-Spot – that can be just as effective at giving a woman an earth-shattering climax. The A-Spot is located deeper within the canal than the g-spot (right in front of the cervix) and it can be simulated using the same come hither motion with your fingers that you would use if you were stimulating the g-spot. Just remember that since you’re going very deep inside a woman, you need plenty of good lubrication like an Astrologist, and you need her to be aroused first so it’s not painful or uncomfortable.
A healthy vagina has an odor, but it is usually not very pungent. A yeast or bacterial infection can make it smell more pungent, but a funky-smelling peach doesn’t always mean an infection. Many of the things a woman eats will affect the way her genitals taste and smell. For example, eating lots of pineapple and sweet fruits will make it taste and smell sweeter (which can be great for oral sex), but vegetables such as cabbage or asparagus can give it more off-putting scent.
Vaginal prolapse is when the uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, or vagina (or a combination of all of these) moves downward from its natural place in the body. This condition is common following surgeries such as hysterectomies, but can also happen without any prior event. In severe cases, this medical condition will cause the inner tissues to protrude through the vaginal opening.

Having Sex Can Keep The Vagina Young And Healthy Like the rest of your muscles, the vagina needs to be used and exercised or it will become weak and brittle. During prolonged periods of abstinence, especially when a woman goes through menopause or reaches old age, the delicate tissues inside will thin and can begin to break down. Regular sex, however, will help keep a woman’s genitals in peak form.
Orgasm for Women in addition to men can ejaculate varying amounts of fluid during orgasm. Many women are able to produce very large mounds of fluid! Some skeptics report that the ejaculate that comes from a woman isn’t actually ejaculating at all, but urine. However, science has found that the components of female ejaculate are separate from the components of urine are very different. And while the fluid does come from the paraurethral ducts, it does not come from the bladder.
The Vagina Can Double In Length When A Woman Is Aroused
How long a vagina varies from woman to woman. Some women have very small, short canals while others have very long ones. The average size in an aroused woman is 8 – 10 centimeters long, but during arousal, this number can increase and may even double! So guys, make sure your lady is aroused before penetration because you’ll go a lot deeper. And she’ll be a lot more comfortable during sex.
Having Sex Can Keep The Vagina Young And Healthy
Like the rest of your muscles, the vagina needs to be used. And exercised or it will become weak and brittle. During prolonged periods of abstinence, especially when a woman goes through menopause. Or reaches old age, the delicate tissues inside will thin and can begin to break down. Regular sex, however, will help keep a woman’s genitals in peak form.
Vaginal Secretions Contain A Component Found In Shark Livers
Upon microscopic examination of the ingredients found in female vaginal secretions. Scientists have noted that these secretions contain a component actually found in shark livers. This is called squareness, and can also be found in vegetable oils. It can be used in cosmetics because it is an excellent moisturizer that doesn’t leave the skin feeling greasy! Squareness is most likely what makes natural secretions good for the health of the genitals. Because it keeps the tissue moist and supple.
The Vaginal Muscles Are Extremely Powerful
All women have the ability to use their vaginal muscles also called the PC muscles during sex. The muscles in a girl’s vagina are used to stop the flow of urine. And can be strengthened through exercises like Kegels. You might not think that these muscles would be very powerful, but they are! The world record holder for the strongest vagina is a Russian. A woman who was able to lift 14 kilograms with her vaginal muscles only!Want to enlarge my breasts, hips, bum, and butt. Looking for a hips bums butt breast enlargement cream pills products, Breast bum butt hips enlargement methods solutions a person to enlarge my hips bum butt breasts,